Monday, March 22, 2010

As I said previously, actors are essentially puppets. Repeating words that some brilliant but tortured writer slammed out on his Mac for 10 cents a word at 3 in the morning in some sh!thole apartment somewhere, guzzling store brand soft drinks from Sam’s Club (they can’t afford a membership so they get a friend to buy it for them), stopping only to force down some Top Ramen, and their agent keeps calling them to produce, and they get burned out after about 3 years (the average life span of a writer) and die lonely and alone in a bus stop shelter still owing 30k$ on their student loans when they went to UCLA film school, clutching that dogged eared copy of the perfect script they never could sell. ß-- Hey, here is a great movie idea---- call me. I can bang out the script in three days)

But then George Clooney gets 30 million $$ for repeating these same words like a Furby. We all applaud with tears in our eyes and adore him, give him personal attributes we want him to have “I hear he goes to church every day, just like me” “ I hear he collects Betty Boop memorabilia just like me” ready to die for him, take a bullet for him, why… he’s my BESTEST friend… “BFF George.”

In reality. Hes a drooling, semi-functional Furby.

I did not vote for him….

SO here is my plan. Every four years we vote in new celebrities. Voting should be good for something right? I mean in the last local State election, we got something like a 6% turnout of people to vote and that was considered GOOD. So why don’t we use this voting thing for something we actually CARE about… like celebrities. They should run campaigns and give speeches and that way the studios would be assured people will like them.

So VOTE OUT George Clooney.

We want a Change we can live with in Hollywood.

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